Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Special Day

Today is a special day!!!!

First of all, HAPPY EASTER!

Easter is the biggest day of the year for Greece.  It is a much bigger deal than Christmas.  There are literally weeks of celebrations, parades, feasts, etc. that all culminate on this special day.

These are crosses made out of palm fronds that Christos' dad makes for us every Palm Sunday.  This year we got for each of us.  It also looks rather appropriate to have them like that.

People come from all over the Orthodox world to celebrate Easter in Corfu.  There are huge celebrations and parades. 

Here are a few snapshots from Easters of the past.

In the past, I have attended the Saturday night midnight ceremony both in Corfu town (one of the most famous places to celebrate Easter in the Orthodox world) and in our village.  Both are special with lots of music and everyone holding a candle.

Last year, on Saturday night, Christos and I skipped the formal festivities, opting to head out in our pajamas to a lookout point.  At midnight, the moment it becomes Easter Day, every single little village puts on a firework display along with a major display in Corfu town.  We watched the sky lighting up from every corner of the island from our own little perch. It was beautiful!!

Many people do not eat meat all of Lent, and many more avoid it the week leading up to Easter ("Big Week".)  At midnight Saturday night, after the service, candles, and fireworks, people go home and begin a feast that continues throughout Easter Sunday.

All over the island today, families are gathered to roast lambs over spits.  Does anyone else see the irony in the fact that cute sweet little lambs are a symbol of Easter...when the reality is we are roasting and eating them?

Anyway, this Easter season, we have taken it easy.  We skipped all the late night celebrations and have just enjoyed our own little bunny.

Last night, I listened to all the fireworks from snug in my bed.

I do, however, have a plate of red eggs.

Here, all the Easter eggs are red (my mother-in-law's hands are always dyed red around this time of year.)  And the tradition is that everyone around the table bangs their eggs against each other.  The one whose egg remains uncracked and smashes the other eggs wins.  Here are a few scenes from past egg-cracking days.

Today is also a very special day because one year ago today this happened....

Today, April 24, is our one year anniversary!!!!  What a year it has been!

All that has happened in our first year of marriage is best summed up in the fact that yesterday was also a special day because this cutie turned two months old.

So, there is a lot to celebrate and be thankful for in the Vasilakis house these days!!!!

Happy Easter!!!!  Kalo Pasca!!!!  Christos Anesti (Christ is Risen)!!!!


  1. That's called "Making Memories". Maria sure makes an adorable Easter Bunny! Keep those pictures coming so we can watch all of her different stages -- all so very cute!!!
    Much love, Nana & Poppa XOXOXO

  2. I love the last picture of Maria! What a beautiful smile! Happy Easter!
