Monday, October 4, 2010


HONEYMOONIN' that is!!!!

Christos and I are leaving tonight on our long-awaited and much-anticipated honeymoon.  We are headed to Italy for a vacation celebration!  I never at all imagined that I would be 4.5 months pregnant on my honeymoon.  Ha!  But, it has its advantages.  I cannot wait to take my absolutely-ravenous-of-late appetite to the land of pasta and gelato.  I can think of few things better than spending 8 days in Italy at a time when you are actually meant to gain weight!  Hooray!  Add that to the fact that I am spending 8 days in Italy, period, at a beautiful time of year with my adorable husband (who has never been to Italy) and I am about to dance across the room. 

We have lots of big plans, and one of those plans is to take a lot of pictures!  Another plan is to share them all with y'all when we get back.

In the meantime, I have some posts ready and waiting to go up while we are away.  I am not about to fall off the radar again so soon! 

We are praying for safe travels and good weather!!!!

And, away we go.



  1. So exciting!!!! I am so jealous! I would love to go to Italy one day. Have a wonderful time and enjoy all of that great food! Hope to see you home soon.


  2. Have a fantastic honeymoon! (all three of you)
    Stay safe! See you soon.

    Much love,
    Nana & Poppa

  3. Italia!! Awesome!!
    I know you'll have a wonderful time... and i guess Christos can drink your share of the wine ;)

    Will def. need a full report on your return. Its my favorite country I've been too... and i have too many fav cities there to start to tell you...

    Sara Singleton
