Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Month Already

Our little lady is already one month and four days old!!! 

I thought I would share a little update on how things are around our house these days.

I am not exactly sure when Maria had her first real smile, but it was a couple of weeks ago now. The surest way to make her smile is to smile at her or play with her nose in some way...but she randomly smiles as well ...and she loves to smile at daddy for no reason at all...or even at mommy when she is on the phone with daddy.  She also smiles a lot when she first wakes up..I adore those happy smiles.

Also, many times after she spits up she has a good laugh.  I am not sure if she thinks the act itself is funny or mommy's reaction.

One of my favorite things about Maria is her hair after her baths.  It is so soft and blond and almost like the fuzz on a little chickadee.

I also adore the way her precious little head feels in the crook of my neck when I have her up on my shoulder.  Her hair is so silky and soft and her head fits so perfect and snug there.

Another one of my favorite things is all the little faces she makes and stretches she does when she is first waking up.  She scrunches her face in so many ways, balls up her hands, and just stretches and stretches those baby arms and legs.

She is absolutely the most kissable creature on the face of the earth.  She was made for kisses.  I swear, her little cheeks are just asking to be kissed.

Mommy put on makeup for the first time since she had Maria last Tuesday for a doctor's appointment.  I swear, I honestly was surprised at my appearance.  I think I had forgotten what I actually look like when I have makeup on.  I can almost pass as exhausted human..but at least human.  Usually I look a lot more like what you see below...but no real complaints on that.

 The occasion for the makeup was a doctor's appointment.  It was mine and Maria's first attempt at making it somewhere on time sans daddy.  We came pretty close to making it early, which was a miracle considering I loaded everything up, wrapped baby in blankets (it was cold,) locked up the house, and got halfway to the car before I realized I was wearing my slippers.

A couple of days ago I gave the lady at a checkout counter 40 euros for a purchase with a total of 44.47.  When she kept asking for the rest I kept saying I was sorry but I did not have exact change.  I laugh now every time I think about it all.  She was pretty patient with me.  I should not be operating heavy machinery.

I am afraid that I may gain more weight as a mommy of an infant than I ever did when pregnant.  Spending so much time in the house (and so much of that time sitting around,) grabbing whatever I can to eat when I can  without really being able to make healthy meals, and using quick calorie fixes to supply myself with much needed energy, may wreck havoc on my waistline.

Exhaustion is a strange animal.  I have never slept-walked in my life, but, 2 nights ago, I dreamed Maria was crying and, in real life, I scooped her up out of her bassinet and was pacing the house before I realized that she was actually fast asleep and had been all had I.

As far as milestones, Maria cried her first real tears at 8 days old.  This was, of course, during a diaper change...which she really hated for the first weeks.  Is it bad that we were so excited to see real tears on our baby who was screaming on the table?

At about 2 and a half weeks she started being able to roll from side to side.  This has added another challenge to the diaper changes.

She can also roll from tummy to back now, which makes it pretty hard to have tummy time.

The baby has an attitude.  She knows what she wants and what she does not want, and she wants to make sure you know it too.  I would not describe her as a calm baby, but she is funny and amazing and has loads of personality already.  I can tell she has a hard head on her shoulders, but I am not sure I could have expected anything different from a combination of her daddy and me.

Maria loves to be in the car as much as her momma.  There is nothing I love more than an afternoon (or all day) drive.  I am so happy she is glad to go along.  Good thing we have a good husband/ daddy that takes his girls for fun drives as often as he can.

So, the days here lately are all about Maria, and she is getting happier and more playful each day.  I am adjusting a little better each day and hopefully will be able to get back to the blog to update again soon!

Happy Sunday!!!!


  1. She is adorable! Lots of personality already. Poppa and I look forward to all the updates and especially the pictures. Your Mom and Dad are counting down the days........
    Hugs & Kisses XOXOXOXO Nana & Poppa

  2. What a doll! She really is such a pretty baby! I think that Maria and cousin Daniel have a lot in common. I am glad you are having so much fun! She will start sleeping longer at night before you know it, and you will be thankful for more sleep. :-)
